Dementia Wellness

Discover an app designed for those living with dementia.


Personalized Memory Aids

HeartStreet brings personal memories alive through photos and music, aiding wellness and joy for individuals with dementia.

A red and pink icon with a pen

Familiar Photos

Users can revisit precious moments with personalized photo galleries, sparking joy and recognition

A speech bubble with a sound wave in the middle of it

Favorite Music

The app plays favorite tunes, providing a soothing and familiar auditory experience that stimulates memory

A woman looking at her cell phone
A couple of people that are on a cell phone


Effortless Connections

HeartStreet simplifies communication for individuals with dementia, enabling them to stay in touch with loved ones through user-friendly messaging and video calls

A pink and orange speech bubble on a pink background

Intuitive Messages

A pink and orange phone with a pink background

Auto answer Video Calls

A pink folder with an arrow pointing to the left

Auto sliding Interface


Maintaining Face-to-Face Interactions

Our app helps those with dementia stay connected via video calls, facilitating vital face-to-face conversations, supporting memory, and enhancing well-being.

A red wifi logo on a white background

Strengthening Bonds

The app's calendar and easy reminders give users a clear daily routine, reducing memory stress and helping them stay oriented all day.

A red and white square with a button on it

Secure Calling

No more nuisance calls: Only friends and family added to the app can call your loved one.

A woman looking at a cell phone with a picture of a man on the screen
A couple of people that are on a cell phone


Calendar & Reminders

The HeartStreet calendar and reminder feature brings structure and clarity to the lives of those with dementia. It offers gentle guidance through their day, enhancing orientation

A red and pink icon of a calendar

Daily Structure

A pink and orange logo with a white background

Gentle Reminders

A picture of a cell phone on a pink background

Easy to Use


Unlock Memories with Music, Video and Radio

HeartStreet's music, video, and radio features bring back memories and emotions for people with dementia, offering comforting experiences that boost wellness and joy

A man with headphones is playing on a tabletA black and white photo of a red flag
A cell phone with heartstreet on the screen


Wellness & Daily Joy

Our app provides a range of features specifically designed to support individuals with memory difficulties. From messages and photos to video calls and calendar reminders, our app makes it easy to stay connected and organized. With music, videos, and radio, it also offers entertainment and relaxation, promoting overall well-being.


Start the Journey to Wellness

Experience the convenience and support of our app provides for people living with dementia.

A heart street logo on a black and white background
A black background with a red dot in the middle


Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to common questions about HeartStreet and its features.